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Broughton Junior School

'Ensuring Every Child THRIVES'

Year 6

Topic Newsletters - 24/25

Our Curriculum

Our Frozen Kingdom project teaches children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them. Linked to this, we will do two art projects, one will teach children about the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions. The other will teach children about the genre of environmental art. They will study how artists create artwork that addresses social and political issues related to the natural and urban environment. Children work collaboratively to create artwork with an environmental message.

Our companion projects include Electrical circuits and components in science, this project teaches children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring.

In Design Technology, we will become engineers. This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.

We will celebrate the topic with an exciting trip to the Natural History Museum in Tring (Thursday 1st February) which will consist of a guided tour and learning all about adaptation.


Overview of the ‘Frozen Kingdom’ project:                                                                  

English: Spring 1:                                                                                                     

Purpose: To inform and to entertain                                              

Outcomes: Formal letter, Narrative and a Diary

Texts: Just So Stories and Shackleton’s Journey

Spring 2:

Purpose: To inform   

Outcomes: Newspaper, non-chronologic report and persuasive leaflet

Texts: Holes by Louis Sachar

Maths: Decimals, Ratio, Percentages, Algebra, Area, Perimeter and Volume and Statistics.

Science: Electrical Components and Circuits

Geography: Frozen Kingdom

PSHE: Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me

PE: Hockey and Football

RE: Christianity – Beliefs and meaning and Easter

Computing: Data Handling

Learning Behaviour: Ambition and Honesty


Important information



Start: 8:40am                Finish: 3:15pm


PE Session 1/ Forest School

This will be on alternate weeks, each class will have a full afternoon of P.E instead of a single session in order to maximise the learning time.

Ocelot class will be week 1 and Jaguar class will be week 2. As children will be going to forest school in the alternate weeks, please send them to school every Wednesday in their P.E kit for ease.

Children will come into school in PE kits. All children must have a white top or house colour, black or navy shorts. Trainers, joggers and jumpers will be required for outdoor PE.


PE Session 2

Thursday afternoons for both classes. 


Forest School

Wednesday all children need wellies and a waterproof coat.


Key Dates:

Start school: Thursday 4th January

Natural History Museum Trip: Thursday 1st February (separate letter)

Half term: Monday 12th– Friday 16th February

Staff training day: Monday 19th February

Parents evenings: Tuesday 19th March and Thursday 21st March

Art and DT exhibition: Monday 25th March 

Break up for Easter:   Thursday 28th March


How can you support your children at home?


Reading – You should read with your child at least 5 times a week at home. We will check reading diaries on a Monday.

Spellings – Sent out on a Friday and tested on the Friday after. These can be completed on Spelling Shed

TT Rockstars- Use TT Rockstars to practise times tables. Children will be tested through the ’99 club’ on a Monday.

Topic homework:

There is a topic homework sheet attached. We would like the children to choose at least one piece to do and bring in to share with the class.


Recent events

Bletchley Park



Christmas performance 


Topic Newsletters