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Broughton Junior School

'Ensuring Every Child THRIVES'

Year 3

Topic Newsletters - 24/25

Our curriculum


Autumn 2

Value - Kindness


Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Times tables focusing on  3,4,6 and 8.


Text: Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The children will be writing an alternative ending to the story.

Science: Movement, nutrition and diet. 

History: Through the Ages - Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. 

PSHE: Celebrating difference.  

DT: Cook well, eat well 

RE: Christianity - Has Christmas lost its true meaning? 

Important information


Key dates

INSET                                                                   Monday 4th November 

In school pantomime                                           Friday 8th November

Winter Warmer                                                   Friday 29th November

Year 3 carol concert                                         Tuesday 10th December at 2.30pm

Christmas lunch                                              Thursday 12th December

Pantomime at the Waterside theatre               Friday 13th December

Christmas disco                                               Thursday 19th December 

Last day of term                                               Friday 20th December


Start of spring term

Inset                                                       Monday 6th January 2025

Children start school                              Tuesday 7th January 2025






Start: 8:40am            Finish: 3:15pm


PE: Monday

Children will come into school in PE kits. All children must have a white top or house colour, black or navy shorts. Trainers, black or navy joggers and jumpers will be required for outdoor PE.


Swimming: Friday

Please remember a swimming hat, swimming costume/trunks and towel for Friday swimming. Children can come into school in their PE kits on Fridays and wear their swimming costumes underneath, with a change of underwear in their bag for after. 



They must have a named water bottle and named waterproof coat in school every day. We also ask that children bring in some wellies for play times that can be left at school, especially as the weather gets wetter and the field gets muddier.


All equipment is provided for their learning so children do not need to bring in their own pencil case and/or pens and pencils from home. We discourage any items from home being brought into school as they can be easily lost and it can be upsetting for the children when this happens. 



Healthy snacks are encouraged for break time, e.g. Fruit and cereal bars. No sweets, chocolate or crisps please. In order to be careful of nut allergies and you must not send any nut products to school. Children also require a spill proof bottle of water. No fruit juice – only still water please.


How can you support your children at home?


Reading: You should read with your child at least 5 times a week at home. Rewards will be given to the children who are achieving this every week. 


Spellings: New spellings are sent out on a Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday. These can be practised on Spelling Shed and sheets will be printed and sent home.


TT Rockstars: Use TT Rockstars to practise times tables. Children will be tested through the ’99 club’ on a Friday and be rewarded with badges as they complete each 'club'. 


Topic homework: There is a topic homework sheet attached  to our Autumn newsletter linked to our topic of the term. We would like the children to choose at least one activity to do and bring in to share with the class. 

Recent events


We had an exciting first term in Year 3. The children have all settled well into the Junior School and have enjoyed the benefits of the new classrooms. 


We started the term with a trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum to enrich our learning on the Iron Age. The children enjoyed their time out of school and hands on learning by making clay pinch pots and butter.


Below are some examples of our adventures from the Autumn term. 


Christmas Performance Letter