Year 5
Topic Newsletters - 24/25
Our Curriculum
Welcome back! We have many exciting things to look forward to this term including: a trip to Silverstone, Shang Dynasty workshop and a visit from the Space Dome.
Our first project, Dynamic Dynasties, teaches children about the history of ancient China, focusing primarily on the Shang Dynasty, and explores the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today.
We are also very busy this term preparing for Young Voices 2024!
Overview of the project:
Autumn 1:
Purpose: To entertain
Outcomes: First person narrative, poetry
Text: The Viewer by Gary Crew and Shaub Tan, Dark Sky Park by Phillip Gross
Autumn 2
Purpose: To inform
Outcomes: myth, letter
Texts: Danny Chung does not do Maths by Maisie Chang
Maths: Place Value, Addition & Subtraction, Graphs and tables, Multiplication & Division and Area and Perimeter
Science: Forces, Space
Geography: Investigating Our World
History: Dynamic Dynasties
PSHE: Being Me and Celebrating Difference
PE: Lacrosse and Yoga
RE: Sikhism and Christianity
Computing: Computing systems and networks, Data Handling
Art: Tints, tones and shade and Taotie
DT: Moving Mechanisms
Learning Behaviour: Responsibility and kindness
Important information
Start: 8:40am Finish: 3:15pm
PE Tuesday & Friday
Children will come into school in PE kits. All children must have a white top or house colour, black or navy shorts. Trainers, black or navy joggers and jumpers will be required for outdoor PE.
Forest School Tuesday all children need wellies and a waterproof coat
They must also have a named water bottle and waterproof coat in school every day. All equipment is provided but if children wish to bring in their own pencil case then they can for afternoon sessions only. Please remember a sun hat and sun cream.
Healthy snacks are encouraged, e.g. Fruit and cereal bars. No sweets, chocolate or crisps please. Please help us to be careful of nut allergies and not send any nut products to school. Children also require a spill proof bottle of water. No fruit juice – only still water please.
Reading – You should read with your child at least 5 times a week at home.
Spellings – Sent out on a Wednesday and tested on the Wednesday after. These can be completed on Spelling Shed
TT Rockstars- Use TT Rockstars to practise times tables. Children will be tested through the ’99 club’ on a Friday
Topic homework:
There is a topic homework sheet attached. We would like the children to choose at least one piece to do and bring in to share with the class.
How can you support your children at home?
Reading – You should read with your child at least 5 times a week at home. We will check reading diaries on a Monday.
Spellings – Sent out on a Friday and tested on the Friday after. These can be completed on Spelling Shed
TT Rockstars- Use TT Rockstars to practise times tables. Children will be tested through the ’99 club’ on a Thursday.
Topic homework:
There is a topic homework sheet attached. We would like the children to choose at least one piece to do and bring in to share with the class.